Our cruise, in search of the subway path of Riftia larvae, is about to begin
Good luck. Attribution: Monika Bright (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
We had breakfast at the Vienna airport and flew over the Atlantic Ocean, past the site where the Titanic sank, through Bermuda and finally arrived in San José, Costa
Breakfast in Vienna (left). Boarding gate (center). Edelweiss (right). Attribution: Monika Bright (left and center), Philipp Pröts (right), CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
We arrived in plenty of time in Costa Rica, so that no last minute situation could threaten the departure of the cruise. We spent a few days in Puntarenas, in a nice house by the beach - good also for team building!
Paseo del Turista (left), FKK swimming pool (center), landing place (right). Attribution: Monika Bright (left), Ingrid Kolar (center), Salvador Espada (right). CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
Beautiful nature here, and quite wild!
Splashed wood. Attribution: Jan Steger (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
We went on supply missions. We had to keep ourselves fed, and in the meantime we could discover the lifestyle of this world-class country of environmentally friendly quality of life, Costa Rica.
Going to breakfast (top left), Mini Super Ivo (center left), Fruit shop (center right), Olive oil (top right). Attribution: Ingrid Kolar, Teresa Winter, Jan Steger, Monika Bright (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
We also bought all the necessary elements for the experiments designed by the future high school scientists, which we will perform down there, in the deep sea volcano. (More info here)
Happy customer. Attribution: Ingrid Kolar (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Some of the elements we needed, we found as resources available in the Public Domain ...
Resource acquisition. Attribution: Monika Bright (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)
In the meanwhile we found the Gallopinto breakfast (delicious) in "Soda Las Playitas", experienced the beach bar "La Perla del Pacífico", and try the "Churchill" granizada. We could see from a distance our final destination, the "Falkor(too)", anchored and waiting for us
Soda Las Playitas (top left), La Perla del Pacífico (center left), Granizada Churchill (center right), Falkor too (top right). Attribution: Monika Bright (top left), Teresa Winter. CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
We dined every night at "Marisquería Código" and appreciated the nice farewell tequila
The last supper. Attribution: Monika Bright (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)