Surviving the Personal Survival Training Course
One of requirements to go sail with Falkor (too) is the Personal Survival Training course. Because Austria is a landlocked country we travelled to Slovenia for this course. Tinkara Tinta, one of the researchers from the Marine Biology Station in Piran joining us on the cruise, organized the course for us.
Survival and rescue boats for training in Portoroz
One long afternoon we sat in the classroom and went over all the details of how to survive when the ship is on fire, colliding with other ships or other occasions that require abandoning the ship. As well as filling our brains with all sorts of very important survival information, we've learned that people react differently in life-threatening situations. 50% freeze, 25% panic and only 25% do the right thing. It's hard to tell what type one is, and we all hope we don't find out. The only way to overcome potential inactivity and panic and learn how to respond properly is to keep exercising. An important place to know is the Muster Station, how to get there and what to bring. One item we will all remember is the Survival Manual.
Practical training in immersion suit at 12°C water temperature